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Aquapel – lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews


Car enthusiasts who spend a lot of time behind the wheel want to know if there is an effective tool that will keep the car clean for a long time. The article talks about Aquapel, designed for the treatment of automotive glass.

Is it worth believing advertising?

Many motorists strive to keep the car in excellent condition, so they are interested in: “Is Aquagel a scam or is it true?” If “Aquapel” is deceiving, you can see for yourself or study the reviews of real users. The promise of the manufacturer about the long-term effect of such a tool fascinates many motorists.

many are also tempted to get cloudless visibility in adverse weather conditions. Many users are afraid of becoming victims of advertising that naively believes laudable information. Most motorists have been repeatedly burned on various economizers, the effect of which was at best nonsense.

Aquapel - lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews

Unique properties

Recently, “Aquagel” has been actively advertised on the Internet. However, many of the unique properties of folk remedies are nothing more than propaganda. Therefore, many users claim that Aquapel is nothing more than a publicity stunt. The manufacturer is simply pulling money out of the pockets of gullible buyers.

Aquapel is positioned as a nanotechnological product, which is characterized by the following characteristics:

  • easy removal of snow, ice and mud;
  • acquiring the shape of balls by falling and lightly rolling on glass;
  • reduction of glare from car headlights;
  • long duration;

The listed unique properties attributed by the manufacturer are rather contradictory. The instructions for this tool indicate that it is harmless to glass. However, “Aquagel” contains special substances that enter into a chemical reaction. As a result, the glass may corrode. The manufacturer indicates that such a product does not leave salt stains.

From an economic point of view, this is not an advantage. Given the high cost of Aquagel, motorists can purchase an inexpensive Anti-Rain product. Although the product does not contain wax, silicone or paraffin, Aquapel has a rather sticky texture. The listed justifications for the uniqueness of such a tool can be called pseudoscientific.

Aquapel - lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews

How to use?

Before using the product, motorists need to thoroughly wash the car and dry the windows. Then Aquapel is rubbed with ordinary microfiber for a few seconds until completely dry. After the manipulations, the user can check the effectiveness of this tool.

If the glass is covered with a fine mixture of water and dirt, it is enough for motorists to turn on the wipers once, after which the dirt is washed away with water, leaving no streaks.

Aquapel - lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews

Disadvantages of the tool

Some users note that after the second wash, the effect of such a product decreases. In winter, the effectiveness of the product also decreases by about 30%. Aquapel cannot completely replace antifreeze, so you will have to purchase it. From an economic point of view, the tool is unprofitable for buyers. The high price category for many motorists is a repulsive factor.

Before using Aquapel, it is necessary to study the instructions for use, as they are quite curious. The information contained in it states that a one-time coating with such a substance eliminates any problems associated with the appearance of dirt on the glass.

User reviews claim that a semblance of a hydrophobic layer forms on the glass, so water rolls into balls. This is especially noticeable at high speeds. When this product entered the market, many motorists had a question about what Aquapel is – a divorce for suction cups or an effective drug for removing dirt. This was largely due to the information that Aquagel creates adhesion to glass molecules.

To date, such information is excluded, as it contradicts all the laws of physics. Many users believe that Aquapel is a bastard for suckers because, according to the manufacturer, the duration of this type of protection is not limited. Otherwise, the unique properties of Aquapel are greatly exaggerated and can be attributed to advertising nonsense.

Users note that handling the headlights and hood is a waste of time, as dirt immediately sticks to these parts. In addition, many motorists did not notice the disappearance of the glare of oncoming headlights.

Aquapel - lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews


In order to correctly talk about the effectiveness of such a tool, it is necessary to take into account all the rules for its use. Some feedback from real users suggests that the tool is very effective. However, the usual Anti-Rain keeps water perfectly on the glass. User reviews claim that dirt sticks to it less, but to a lesser extent.

The opinion of almost all motorists agrees that stains remain on the glass. They are so important that they impair visibility and visibility while driving. According to users, it is almost impossible to wash the resulting film on your own. It can only come off after a thorough professional cleaning. Users almost unanimously say that it is better to spend money on a quality sink than on such a tool. Therefore, it is widely believed that Aquapel is a scam for suckers.

Aquapel - lies or truth? Aquapel: application instructions and reviews


Many motorists have experienced “Aquagel” on cars. Divorce or the fact that this is an effective tool that has a miraculous effect can be seen from user reviews. In fact, there is some effect equivalent to other similar means. The rest of the property is nothing more than advertising propaganda.

“Aquagel” for the car: a scam for losers or the truth? Reviews of real buyers will help to draw a conclusion about such a tool. Many motorists who pass the test share their experience with other people. Many users leave their unbiased opinion unrelated to Aquagel advertising.

Many reviews claim that the manufacturer's promise does not justify itself, and the product cannot exempt from the daily car wash. Car enthusiasts can experiment with a similar product and find out if Aquapel is a scum for suckers or a really effective car care product.

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