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Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos


Greetings friends!

In one of the underground parking lots of the city of Krasnodar, I caught the eye of a GAZ-69 car in a perfectly preserved condition to this day. I managed to find out the phone number of the owner, whom I contacted. To my luck, it turned out that he was nearby and could come up.

From the conversation that took place, it turned out that the car was transported from another city for its further implementation. The owner opened the GAZ-69 for me and gave his consent to take pictures, while still allowing me to ride. Well, permission has been received, let's move on to my review of the GAZ-69.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

Serial production of the GAZ-69 in the USSR began from 1953 to 1972. The article presents an eight-seater GAZ-69 of 1965. Two-door with a folding tailgate. All-wheel drive frame SUV. The curb weight of the car is 1520 kilograms.

I note that cars of the 60s, which are in excellent pristine condition, such as the one presented in the article, have not been found on public roads for a long time.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

An indisputable minus in the GAZ-69 model is the presence of an awning. It is cold in winter, and in summer it is uncomfortable to ride in the rain (on models where the awning is made of water-permeable fabric), but there is a small plus in that it can be removed and the car can be used as a convertible.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The awning is made of a material resembling burlap and, after getting wet, begins to let water into the car interior. On the GAZ-69 I am considering, the awning is in a new state.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

When stretching the belt fasteners, the awning is removed from the car; in addition to the open top, you can fold the windshield frame onto the hood.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

On the restrictive chains of the tailgate, covers are made of the same fabric as the tarpaulin. This is done so that when driving, the chain does not rattle when it hits the body.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

“Elegantly” a spare wheel is mounted on the left side of the car.

If you look at the filler neck, it's safe to say that the car is designed to be ready for canister filling in the field. Tank capacity 47 liters.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

In my opinion, the location of the steering rods is not entirely successful. The steering inter-wheel longitudinal thrust, when moving through difficult places, could bend, from which the toe-in was disturbed. Not a small discomfort was caused to the driver by the steering mechanism, which transmitted all the impacts of the wheels to the steering wheel. Tire size at 6.50-16.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The front axle hubs can be disconnected from the axle shafts using a special key, usually included with the car.

The suspension of the GAZ-69 car is of the spring type, where each spring is paired with a hydraulic lever shock absorber. Shock absorbers of this type are no longer used in most modern cars.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photosOverview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

In the photo above, we see that a faucet is installed on the coarse fuel filter in its lower part of the sump to drain the water that has entered the fuel system.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The interior of the GAZ-69 car reminds me of the UAZ-469 of the 80s, everything is impossibly simple, there is nothing superfluous. Particularly striking was the electric wiper motor with a toggle switch, located in the central upper part of the windshield frame.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

In order to get to the gearbox and transfer case, it is possible to dismantle the floor in the area of ​​u200bu200bthe levers. When put on the handbrake, it blocks the brake drum located in front of the rear cardan.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photosOverview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The GAZ-69 has a three-speed manual gearbox. The razdatka has an upshift and a downshift. Downshift is engaged after connecting the front axle.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

Under the passenger front seat is an additional fuel tank of 27 liters. The front seat has the ability to recline, for a comfortable fit in the back of the car.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

Behind are two benches for three places each. Under benches there are boxes for tools. Instead of rear passengers, you can transfer about 500 kilograms of cargo.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photosOverview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The dashboard is quite informative, you can find out from it: speed, fuel level in the tank, engine oil pressure, coolant temperature in the engine and with what current the battery located under the driver's seat is charged. The two dowels located on the instrument panel play a role in diffusing light from the instrument illumination bulbs.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

The engine is started by pressing a special lever with your foot, which pushes the bendix to connect with the teeth of the flywheel and closes the contacts on the starter, thereby putting it into action.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

To open the hood, you must first unfasten the two latches located in front of it. The side panels of the engine compartment are removable, this is done for better engine cooling.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

Under the hood is a 2.1-liter four-cylinder in-line engine with a capacity of 52 horsepower. The main difference between the principle of operation of this internal combustion engine and the modern engines used is that the gas distribution valves open up and are located in the cylinder block, and not the cylinder head, like in many modern cars. The air filter is inertial-oil. The engine lubrication system has two filters: fine and coarse.

Overview of the GAZ-69 car, an article with photos

Unfortunately, the car could not be driven because the engine did not start. Most likely this is due to the fact that it has been standing for more than a year without movement.

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