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Reasons why coolant leaves the tank


Unfortunately, the release of fluid from the expansion tank is not uncommon. This can be caused by various factors that need to be checked. With such a problem, it is categorically not recommended to use a car; you need to fix it in the first place. With such a malfunction, it is extremely dangerous to go out on the highway, out of town.

So, if there are no points on the tank or near it that characterize the flow of liquid, and there are no points under the car after stopping, most likely it will go only to 2 places.

The first of which is the salon.

This problem occurs due to the fact that the radiator or stove faucet began to leak. This is easy to verify. To do this, lift the front mats and check the mat. If it's wet, then that's the problem.

However, it happens that coolant enters the box. This problem does not occur often, but it does occur. It differs in that during the operation of the stove in the cabin there is a smell of antifreeze. If the carpet is wet, it doesn't mean it's a leaky radiator. Perhaps the problem is in the corresponding hose or faucet.

Second place is the engine

This is getting more serious. Of course, repairing the furnace is not an easy task, and maintenance will be expensive. However, if coolant gets into the engine, the problem is much worse.

Such a malfunction occurs if the cylinder head gasket has expired, bursts or is torn. The fluid is mixed with engine oil. In this case, thick white smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. The oil on the dipstick is lighter than it should be.

When troubleshooting such a malfunction, traction is highly discouraged. The fact is that if you start the process, you will soon have to deal with the “capital” of the engine. After discovering this problem, it is better not to use the car at all. As soon as possible, it is necessary to drain the oil, replace the gasket, and also remove any remaining oil that has mixed with antifreeze.

This repair will cost a lot, but if you continue to drive with such a malfunction, the consequences for the car will be sad.

A few more recommendations

1 If there are liquid stains under the car, it is quite difficult to immediately determine where they come from. It is best to put the car on a lift and inspect its bottom. To understand exactly what the problem is, you need to start the engine and continue the search.

2 If the pump is leaking, this can only be detected when the engine is running. Sometimes a pipe leaks. Then the liquid enters the collector and immediately evaporates. You won't see liquids, but there will be an antifreeze smell in the cabin. If smoke is visible when the hood is open, this is most likely due to such a problem.

When replacing injectors, it is better to lubricate them with grease. In this case, they will not lose. The use of sealant is highly discouraged, as it can clog the entire system.

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