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Why do you need a frame SUV in the city


I have never owned a frame car, but I often went on tests on frames and, to be honest, I did not understand why people buy them in cities. I spoke to several owners and tried to understand the logic. If you are one of them, please write your reason in the comments.

Expeditions, competitions

Cars specially prepared for off-roading are a separate issue. We do not take them into account. As a rule, they don't drive around the city in such cars, for every day the owners have other cars.

Fishing and hunting

For these purposes, in most cases, buy something inexpensive. Either a used Japanese frame, but more often UAZ, Niva, Shniva (Niva, however, non-frame, but still extremely illogical in the city) or Great Vul. People do not have much money to maintain two or three cars, so one is bought for everything, although in fact hunting and fishing trips are not so often.

He is strong

Some believe that frame cars are stronger than ordinary cars. This was indeed the case before. Now, if we are talking about safety in the event of an accident, frame cars have no advantages (EuroNCAP tests and others confirm this). Moreover, American tests say that frame cars are even more dangerous.

When it comes to endurance, yes, SUVs have thicker arms and other suspension parts, but that's only because SUVs are bigger and heavier. On broken roads, there is no more comfort in a frame car than in a compact light sedan with an energy-intensive Logan-type suspension.

For show off

The last category is expensive frame SUVs such as Land Cruiser, Patrol, Fortuner, Pajero Sport, Jeep, Gelandewagen and so on. They are bought because they are cool. There is no other reason. They don’t go to shit, the maximum is a primer broken in the spring with gravel leading to a country house.

By the way, many people think that SUVs are driven in villages. But, as practice shows, rural residents have even fewer SUVs per capita than in the city. This is because SUVs are more expensive than cars, and there is no extra money in the village.

Those who simply have a dacha or a country house often choose SUVs, but not frame cars. Because the days when it was impossible to drive to the village have passed. Now they are cleaning.


However, do not think that I am trying to put the owners of SUVs in some bad light. No. I myself would probably buy something so big, powerful and voracious, if I had the opportunity. And logic would never stop me.

Write in the comments why you need a frame SUV if you have one? And why didn't you buy a crossover, for example?

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