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5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200


A spoiler should be made here: there are much more reasons to love the 200th Kruzak than reasons not to love it. But we need objectivity, so we will try to find at least five arguments against buying this car and only five for it.

History of technology

The history of the Land Cruiser began a long time ago, in 1951. The Toyota BJ was first called a Land Cruiser in 1953, but outwardly it looked more like the Willys MB. However, there was practically nothing from Willis – this car was built on the basis of the Toyota SB truck.

In 1960, the Toyota Land Cruiser 40 was released. Let me skip 47 years and jump straight to the Land Cruiser 200, because you could write a whole book about all the Land Cruiser 20s, 40s, 70s, 80s, and 100/105s that have been made. Our hero of the 200th series also changed several times during the release and sometimes received quite serious innovations. Therefore, it is better to focus on them and you can talk again about the venerable elders.

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (40) 1960-1984

So, in 2007, the Toyota Land Cruiser 200 appeared. And if American buyers were deprived of engines (they only had a 5.7-liter V8 3UR-FE), then in Australia and Asia everything was fine. You can choose from a 1GR-FE 4.0-litre petrol, 2UZ-FE 4.7-litre, and 1VD-FTV 4.5-litre diesel. A year later, the “two hundred” arrived in Europe.

The main box for the TLC 200 is automatic. The mechanics were only with a diesel engine, and we have almost no such cars lately. Also, given the status of Kruzak in our country, they did not sell cars with V6 engines (diesel on TLC is also V8). 

The TLK 200 is a classic SUV with a chassis, solid rear axle and permanent all-wheel drive. But here the front suspension is independent, as already on the previous TLC 100.

In 2009, new 4.6 1UR-FE engines and new automatic transmissions appeared, and in 2011 the car underwent a real restyling. The main change is the rejection of 2UZ-FE engines. Subsequent restyling, in 2015, gave Kruzak a new 8-speed automatic AE80F instead of the previous 6-speed one. But, perhaps most importantly, this restyling manifested itself in the cabin, which received a noticeably more cultural design and more advanced finishing materials. 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

And what is more important: every time the developers changed the anti-theft systems, because stealing the Kruzak was always not only profitable, but also too easy. The last change of this kind was made in 2019, 17 years after production began and just two years before it ended. True, the theft of TLC still continued. Because the car is good enough and people have enough reason to love it.

love n. 5: almost inexpensive

this, of course, is strange to hear, but the owners of “two hundred” cars are very happy that this car is not so expensive to maintain. Of course, according to the ideas of the owners of Kruzak. Two points are important here. The first is, of course, the reliability of the machine. It is very rare to find a review where someone swears by frequent breakdowns. Well, if there are no faults, there is nothing to repair. And people write: “As one person said: only a bicycle is cheaper to operate than a Kruzak.” I go to the service as if I were on vacation.” The second point is the presence of non-original spare parts and consumables. There are many of them and they are usually much cheaper than the original ones. However, there are not so many complaints about this: the original cost of spare parts is too high: “The car is reliable in service, does not require additional and unnecessary costs. Spare parts and consumables are reasonable.”

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

But again, let's add some specifics. One of the owners writes: “TO at an average cost of about 17 thousand (which I consider a “penny” for a flagship).” Perhaps, of course, these are “penny”, but still we are talking about a small MOT. And if it's more serious than changing the oil and filters, then its cost easily approaches 50 thousand. But the owners of TLC do not lose heart: according to their concepts, these are also “penny”.

Hate no5: love for car thieves

The joke about the fact that the owners of “two hundred” cars are constantly running to see if their car has already been stolen, enjoying only the first half hour. Then I got tired of reading them: they are somewhat monotonous. Even if the owners do not deny: “An anti-theft system should be installed if you want to minimize the risk of prosecution by the investigator with requests for a certificate of suspension of the criminal case for theft for the insurance company.” It is not surprising that many former owners of “Kruzaks” are united by one desire – to find the current owner, beat him on the head and return the car to himself.

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

By the way, love for hijackers has become the reason for the rather high cost of CASCO insurance. And it's also frustrating for a lot of people, because buying 200 TLK on credit is kind of a weird national sport with a lot of fans.

Love number 4: sold – earned

Land Cruiser stubbornly does not want to get cheaper. For those who are looking for it in the secondary market, this is certainly not the best news. But those who have already bought this car rejoice with all their hearts: “Insurers have now insured the car, valuing it more than the purchase price. If I sell now, I will help for about a million. How much the “Germans” and “English” lack! Even the news about the market launch of the 300th Kruzak does not detract from the confidence in the liquidity of this car.” Only one detail can be noted here: not only is the car not getting cheaper (now cars seem to be not getting cheaper at all), but, as the observer rightly noted, it remains very liquid. Everyone always needs a Kruzak. But many simply do not have the money for it.

I hate. 4: brakes

In short, the wording is as follows: “Among the shortcomings is the lack of brakes for such a large and heavy machine. You have to keep your distance and be careful when braking.” 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

Looking for other brake discs and pads is a favorite pastime for Toyota drivers. True, this applies more to previous cars. The owners note that after 2015 the brakes have improved and even in the presence of TLK it brakes quite safely (of course, given its considerable weight). But on the first machines they wrote quite sharply: “It's a shame: they don't slow down right away.” It is especially disappointing that there has never been a cheap “two hundred” and many had to redo the brakes.

love n. 3: permeability

Like it or not, the TLK is still truly an SUV, and not a shameful crossover puzoter. It is not entirely clear why this is necessary in the city, but many manage to praise the off-road capabilities of the car even in megacities: “Most of all, the buzz piles up in winter: when you come to work, and parking is available only to you, and when you don’t need a tractor far from the city, you yourself tractor”. 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

But, of course, outside the city, the possibilities of Kruzak are revealed more fully. The owners of these cars drive everywhere: in the mountains, in the swamps and in the fields. And then they write: “All wounded and dirty, the 200th heroically did not give up before the impassable road of spring arable land.” True, if you plant it, it will be difficult to get it – the car is heavy and it is difficult for Niva to get it. Especially if you sit on the deck. 

In general, Toyota's off-road prowess is valued not for the ability to make regular off-road forays, but for the confidence that in a pinch you can go where many will not even stay. And, of course, he is pleased: “I only had to test the practicality in the snow, no problem. Sitting in a car, you are sure that it will take you anywhere.

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

I note that sometimes there is a hint of discomfort in the flow of joy: they say that the old Patrol is better – without electronics. To drive “two hundred” through the mud, you need to be able to use its electronic assistants. Otherwise, it can be planted so that it will only need to be pulled out by a caterpillar tractor. 

I hate. 3: fuel consumption

Hardly anyone swears by cars with diesel engines. The average consumption is 13.5-13.7 liters, which is not so much for such a monster. But some are still dissatisfied with city consumption: “In Yekaterinburg, city consumption averages 22-22.5 liters, if you do not get stuck in traffic jams.” 

Petrol versions are completely different. Here, many seriously criticize Kruzak. Consumption is called different, but, apparently, 25 in the city is normal. One of the authors expressed the following opinion: “In terms of fuel consumption for a gasoline engine: you will spend one and a half to two times more than you spend on refueling a car.”

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

this, of course, is understandable: such a hippopotamus needs to be fed with something, and all TLC 200 engines can hardly be called modern. On the other hand, it becomes clear why “two hundred” diesel cars were often bought from us: by modern standards, its diesel is quite voracious, but not as catastrophic as gasoline. In general, I agree with the conventional wisdom expressed in one of the comments: “If you have enough gray matter for this device, then you will understand the fuel.”

Love number 2: what is in the theater, what is on the hunt

Here I collect two slightly different benefits. First, TLK's versatility. It goes without saying that this looks serious. It is immediately clear that a serious uncle will leave, and not some kind of hipster. And at the same time, it can equally carry a businessman, a bandit, an officer and a traveler. Therefore, this opinion is often found, and I think it is right: “Today I went to the office (for a business meeting), tomorrow I will go hunting or fishing, the day after tomorrow with my family in the country, next week I will conquer Siberia (business meetings), in the summer in the south. Anytime, in any direction, always ready.” It is wonderful.

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

The second advantage is the assurance that TLK will not fail in any direction. He is good in any landscape, and for this many people especially love him: “On Kruzak, everywhere: north, south, Africa – purple for him. Processing is not GL. But for me, one more thing is more important: to get to your destination.”

Here, of course, reliability is also important, but so far xs-ss…

Hate #2: Salon

Unfortunately, many criticize the interior of an expensive car. And everyone scolds: interior materials, design, and ergonomics. I will mention only a few quotes from different authors: “This car, unfortunately, despite all its legendary status, lags behind in time. You hear it as soon as you sit down”, “All the past: knobs, buttons, arrows and so on. Comfort leaves much to be desired “,” Of the minuses: the quality of the plastic in the cabin, it begins to fade after 5 thousand km. “,” The leather of the seats is too delicate and the seams are fragile. “It's sad, isn't it? Almost all of these reviews refer to the car before the second restyling. A lot has changed since 2016 and the salon is more praised than scolded. In fact, they just don't say anything about it. The first machines are struggling. Wooden inserts on the steering wheel cause reproach: they say, slippery and uncomfortable. Especially noticeable is the discontent of those who got into Kruzak from German cars.

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21 Love No. 1: reliability and predictability

Yes, it’s trite, but it’s simply impossible to put anything else in the first line of the assessment. Everyone talks about the boundless confidence in this car. They monotonously say: “Reliable and lively engines. Reliable box, transmission and hodovka. What else do you need from a car?”, “The car travels long distances and inspires a sense of confidence with its reliability.” 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

But I want to point out one detail. I came across a review where Kruzak was cut into walnuts. Everything is right there: handling, design, interior, consumption and brakes. Everything is just terrible, terrible. But the review ended with this phrase: “You can really fall in love only for reliability.” No matter how many claims, you can't step on the truth – this TLK 200 is fine.

I hate. 1: It's a truck!

What is a truck? If compared with a passenger car, then this is something big, voracious, not very comfortable, not very manageable and a little oaky. Reviewers are talking about this, making it clear: Toyota Land Cruiser is a truck. With all the ensuing consequences. The most complete illustration for the thesis looks like this: “This is a truck. Difficult to drive. You have to be careful when entering shifts. The car is big and running. The diesel engine vibrates a lot.” 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

Load characteristics are everywhere. And almost every second commentator calls the word “truck”. The essence of the statements is obvious: “In St. Petersburg, it is terribly inconvenient for me to drive a Kruzak. It's definitely not for the city! Heavy, it is difficult to accelerate and brake quickly”, “At high speed, in corners, the car jumps and leaves the trajectory of the turn.”

If we look back at the history of the Toyota Land Cruiser that we started with, we will surely remember one fact: the Toyota BJ is based on the Toyota SB truck. 70 years have passed since then, and Kruzak's cargo compartments have not gone away. Probably, there is something good in this, but very often this fact is remembered when they want to buy a car for the price of a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. 

5 reasons to buy and not to buy Toyota Land Cruiser 200

Toyota Land Cruiser (200) 2007–21

On the other hand, otherwise it would be difficult to get a lot of space and safety margin out of the car, so the TLC is more popular. So you have to compromise: oaky, reliable and Japanese, or beautiful, comfortable, but unreliable German. Roads make a big difference here. If there aren't any or they're bad, a Toyota will surely be a better choice, and if there are roads, a Mercedes might be more fun. True, Toyota will lose much more in price, but a car is not bought in order to make money on it by selling it. In short, without compromise, again, nowhere.

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